Boonton Extends Industry Leading USB Power Sensor Line with the Introduction of New Real-Time Power Sensors – RTP4000 series
September 20, 2016
100,000 Measurements per Second & Pulse Profiling from 6 kHz to 6 GHz.
Boonton, a Wireless Telecom Group company (NYSE: WTT), has introduced the new RTP4000 series of Real-Time True Average Power sensors. These sensors deliver a dynamic range from -60 dBm to +20 dBm, a frequency range down to 6 kHz and an industry leading measurement rate of 100,000 measurements per second. Built with Boonton's Real-Time Power ProcessingTM technology which eliminates gaps in acquisition and provides zero measurement latency, RTP4000 sensors deliver lightning-fast performance in a compact USB form factor. The True Average capabilities of these sensors enable accurate capture and measurement of pulsed, modulated and CW signals. Unlike many average power sensors, the RTP4000 True Average power sensors go beyond reporting numeric power measurements and provide a pulse profiling trace mode with 175 kHz video bandwidth.
Boonton's Power Analyzer Software Suite turns any computer into a powerful RF power meter with an intuitive software interface that provides a wide range of powerful measurement and advanced analysis tools. The robust API included with the software suite is ideal for leveraging the 100,000 measurements per second in remote control and ATE environments. Multiple sensors can be connected to a single computer or test system for synchronized multi-channel measurements.
The RTP4000 series of Real-Time True Average power sensors are available in two models, 6 kHz to 6 GHz and 10 MHz to 6 GHz, in a small, lightweight, portable form factor for real-time power measurement and analysis.
Boonton's power meters, sensors and instruments have been in use in major laboratories around the world for decades and have established the standard for RF power characterization of the fastest pulse and wideband communication signals.
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