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Noisecom Designcon J7000 & JV9000 Demonstration


Demonstrate the effect of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) on differential data lines by injecting AWGN using J7000.  Separately demonstrate the effect of noise and spurs on Vcc by injecting AWGN and CW tones on DUT using JV9000 to the power supply voltage (Vcc) of DUT (data buffer IC) highlighting degradation in signal integrity.  Combining both J7000 and JV9000 we demonstrate Noisecom’s ability to show the interaction between noise on data lines and Vcc.


Random Jitter Noise on Data and IC Supply Voltage

Measure interaction of noise on data & noise and CW spurs on Vcc

Noisecom J7000 & JV9000 Demonstration

Product: Demonstrate the effect of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) on differential data lines by injecting AWGN using J7000.  Separately demonstrate the effect of noise and spurs on Vcc by injecting AWGN and CW tones on DUT using JV9000 to the power supply voltage (Vcc) of DUT (data buffer IC) highlighting degradation in signal integrity.  Combining both J7000 and JV9000 we demonstrate Noisecom’s ability to show the interaction between noise on data lines and Vcc.   

Target Users:
JV7000: Signal integrity engineers analyzing the immunity of their data link in the presence of AWGN.  J7000 can be used for receiver sensitivity testing up to 100 GBe as well as testing for IEEE 802.3.  
JV9000: Signal integrity, IC design and evaluation engineers characterizing and quantifying the performance of their IC or PCB circuit in the presence of noise and spurious signals on the Vcc.

Noisecom Designcon JV7000 and JV9000 Demo
About J7000:
J7000 series introduces AWGN in 0.1 dB steps to differential data lines.  Unlike pattern generators with jitter capabilities where the clock jitter causes timing uncertainty, J7000 creates the jitter by adding noise on to the data signal. This simulates the effect of noise coupled on to the signal in real life transmission environments for receiver sensitivity testing for cross talk and for IEEE 802.3 standards.

About JV9000:
JV9000 series introduces AWGN and CW signals into the power supply lines in 0.1 dB steps to emulate effects of noise generated by various sources including ground bounce, interference from other adjacent circuits, as well as understand the impedance characteristics of the Vcc by injecting CW tones.  

Significant Features of J7000 & JV9000:
- 15 ps differential channel skew (J7000) 
- 0.1 dB resolution in noise (J7000 & JV9000) and CW (JV9000 only) injection.
- Custom noise frequency bands and power levels to support various standards and test scenarios.

Measuring effect of Noise on data lines and power supply of ICs using a BERT:

In the demo set up the BERT tester generates 1.6 GHz clocked data that is fed into a DUT which drives the J7000. J7000 injects controlled noise to the data lines.  As the amount of AWGN increases the impact on the eye diagram can be observed, total jitter measured and BER monitored.  In addition through the JV9000 noise is injected to the Vcc of the DUT to measure the effect of noise on Vcc.

Noisecom Designcon JV7000 and JV9000 Demo  Noisecom Designcon JV7000 and JV9000 Demo  Noisecom Designcon JV7000 and JV9000 Demo 
Fig.1: Eye diagram at BER of 1E-04 J7000 – noise on data Fig.2: Eye diagram of effect AWGN on Vcc of the DUT Fig.3: Eye diagram showing combined effect of noise and CW spur on Vcc of DUT (AWGN & 1MHz CW tone)
Noisecom Designcon JV7000 and JV9000 Demo     
Fig.4: Combined effect of noise (Figure1) on data and noise on Vcc (Figure 3)    

  • Existing and Comparable Products:
    J7000 adds AWGN noise to the data signal creating a more realistic test condition to measure the effect of Rj added during signal transmission compared to the BERT generator that jitters the data clock signal. JV9000 integrates individual components of “home grown solutions” into a remote controllable instrument, making repeatable measurements easier and faster.  
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