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How Is Noise Packaged?

SuperUser Account 0 1583

Noise sources are used to purposely add noise into a system. Yes, you heard that right – they purposely generate known amounts of noise and deliberately send those noise signals through a particular system.

Noisecom Noise on Vcc for Serial Data Communications

SuperUser Account 0 1517

The supply voltage (Vcc) specification is a key parameter for almost all integrated circuits’ (IC) datasheets. Unless its requirements are met there is no way to know if the remaining IC specifications will be valid. Therefore before specifying the operational supply voltage range of a device, designers, verification and quality engineers use the results of extensive testing to make sure the IC meets all the specification requirements within the tested Vcc voltage range.

Noise Generator Tests High Data Rate for Ka-Band SATCOM

SuperUser Account 0 3011

Ka band plays an increasingly important role for high-data-rate satellite communication for commercial and military applications between satellite and local stations, as well as for satellite-tomobile links. These include aircraft, marine vessels, and land vehicle-based systems. The available 13.5 GHz wide frequency spectrum of the Ka band provides plenty of bandwidth for highdata-rate applications.



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