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Noise on Vcc and its effects on ICs Webinar

Posted January 17, 2012

SuperUser Account 0 1480

Modern integrated circuits contain billions of transistors that require complex power distribution systems. This power distribution complexity combined with inexpensive switch-mode power supplies creates several sources of noise found on the power and ground planes of a PC circuit board. This interference is difficult to model using software and contributes to jitter timing problems within the IC. The Noisecom JV9000A is designed to generate random and deterministic noise on the power and ground planes to emulate this behavior. The webinar illustrates how the JV9000A can be used to generate these effects in real systems.

Noise: Terms and Applications Webinar

Posted March 29, 2011

SuperUser Account 0 1480

A noise source that produces white noise is essentially an inexpensive broadband signal generator with an extremely flat (constant) power density output versus frequency. Noise sources are almost insensitive to temperature and supply voltage variations. Noise sources are therefore used for Built-in Testing (BIT), Fault Isolation Testing (FIT), and calibration in communication and radar warning systems to ensure the reliability and performance of the link. The webinar will be about the discussion of noise relevant parameters and applications.

Jitter - Basics Webinar

Posted March 23, 2011

SuperUser Account 0 1503

Jitter - Basics WebinarSerial data systems play an increasingly important role whenever volumes of data are processed or transported. Jitter is a key concern for engineers developing high speed components such as transmitters, receivers and data channels. Serial high speed communication systems need to operate within very tight margins; with data provided extremely fast and with an exceptionally low probability of errors.

Wireless Telecom Group Awarded $1.5M Contract From The United States Navy

Posted December 7, 2010

SuperUser Account 0 1533

Boonton Electronics has been awarded a contract with the Department of the United States Navy to supply Boonton’s 4500B RF Peak Power Meter in support of a Naval Sea Systems Command project.  The total value of the contract is approximately $1.5M and a considerable portion of the order is expected to be realized over the next two years.

Signal-to-Noise, Carrier-to-Noise, EbNo Webinar - Wolfgang Damm

Posted November 2, 2010

SuperUser Account 0 1585

Data transmission is often conducted under very difficult circumstances; weak signals that transport high data rates within an unfavorable noise environment have to be recognized by receivers. Furthermore, data streams have to be transmitted reliably and with low BER. Designers, developers and system engineers have to take less-than-ideal circumstances in consideration when they design their circuits or monitor their system.

New 4240 CW Power Meter

Posted October 28, 2010

SuperUser Account 0 1936

The 4240 series is offered as one channel (4241) or two channel (4242) instrument. Both meters come with an integrated calibrator that provides an ultra-stable, 50-MHz reference signal, and deliver a calibration power range from -60dBm to +20dBm. A built-in calibrator allows sensor calibrations right before the measurement providing highest measurement accuracy.

New 60 GHz Noise Figure Test Set

Posted June 8, 2009

SuperUser Account 0 1818

Noisecom has developed a precision NF-test-set for 60G devices. The systems consists of precision noise sources that cover the 60G band, isolators for best VSWR match, and very low noise amplifiers with 30 dB gain to increase the output of the DUT, if it is too low for direct measurement.

Targeting the RF Market, An Exclusive Interview with a Technical Leader

Posted August 1, 2007

SuperUser Account 0 1471

Monty Johnson joined Wireless Telecom Group in January 2006 as CEO and Vice Chairman. With more than 25 years in the telecommunications industry, he has extensive experience in delivering network services to the world’s largest wireless and wireline carriers. Prior to joining Wireless Telecom Group, Johnson served as president and GM of Tekelec’s Network Signaling Group.



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